Staying Fit During Pregnancy
I have gotten a lot of questions about how I stay in shape during my pregnancy, so I thought I would share a post on the basic principles I follow. I will do a few follow-up posts on more specific workouts and exercises that I do. If you're like me, going to the gym and doing the same thing over and over can get SO boring, which is why most people can't commit to workout on a consistent basis. I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be monotonous and boring! I know some people love workout programs like Kayla Itsines or Jillian Michaels, and can do them every day and be satisfied. I just know myself though and I can't stick to the same routine for very long without losing motivation. Don't get me wrong, I love both of these trainers (and have used both of their programs), but I like doing their workouts interwoven with lots of other workouts as well. I think this also keeps the body guessing and ensures full use of different muscle groups.
When I'm pregnant I try and get to the gym at least 3 times a week. This may seem low but I always set a realistic goal for myself or I'll be disappointed and discouraged. I get exhausted very easily being pregnant and taking care of Everly is also a workout in itself sometimes. On days I don't go to the gym I always make sure I go for a walk or a bike ride with Everly so I am at least doing some sort of moderate exercise. If you're not pregnant or just have more time, you can definitely aim for more days at the gym. I recommend taking at least one rest day for your mental and physical recovery (you don't want to burn yourself out). Also, if you have noticed from my Instagram stories I always workout in the turf area of my gym when available (unless I'm doing a class). I think machines are limiting and I hate having to wait in line for them. If you can find an open space and free weights at your gym this is the best option. This also means that if you don't have a gym membership or can't get to a gym, most of these workouts you can do from home with a few pieces of equipment.
In a typical week if I get to the gym three times I will aim to do one of each of these workouts:
a circuit
superset weighted exercises (two consecutive exercises with no rest)
a class (if working out from home this is when I would do a workout dvd like Jillian Michaels)
If you plan to go more than 3 days a week just include a few more of each workout during the week. Most of the time I make up the workout right before I leave home using exercises I know or have seen on Instagram (I love following fitness accounts for inspiration - @linnlowes @sugarysixpack @krissycela). Other times I will find a workout online or in a magazine. Basically whenever I see a workout or exercise that looks good I always snap a pic to add to my repertoire. Start doing this for yourself and it'll make heading to the gym so much more enjoyable! Having to think of a workout is more than half of the battle. If you follow me on Instagram I try and always share my workouts on my stories and you can screen shot them to have on hand for when you head to the gym!
Another piece of advice - go with a friend or find someone to keep you accountable. Making plans to meet a friend at the gym makes it almost impossible to skip, and I find working out with someone else pushes you to work even harder. If you don't have a friend to go with find someone who will keep you accountable. I don't have any friends with a membership at my gym, so I make Jason keep me accountable. I'll always be like "make sure I go to the gym tomorrow", then just in case I'm feeling lazy the next day he'll make sure I get out the door by reminding me or watching Everly or whatever it takes. I find sharing my workouts on Instagram stories also gives me motivation because I love the encouragement and feedback I get from my followers!
I'll be sharing specific exercises I use in my circuits as well as exercises I super-set in a future post so subscribe to my blog to make sure you get them!